DJ and Sound & Lighting company

35 years experience and 35,000 watts we have what you need!

Custom fibergalss

We can custom build YOUR dreams into reality. Give us a call and see what we can do for you!

Head unit and new speakers from some of the best brands in the world.

Cerwin Vega, Pioneer, Sony, Kenwood, JVC, Sundown, Orion, Diamond Audio, Arc Audio, Triton Audio, 

Extreme competition

14 chain driven, 350 amp alternators and 28 AGM batteries in an E350 van with 8 Orion XTR 15s and 8 Orion 2100HCCA amps and 9

Pounding subs AND a full trunk!

We can custom build your system to meet your needs, even if you want all the sound AND keep your full trunk.