At Freedom Sound we're passionate about audio, video, lighting and anything electronic or mechanical. I started hanging around my dad's band sound guy and when he had a minor stroke, they let me step n and run sound for them. They said I did great job and hired me. 3 years later my parents had a 13th birthday party for me, and I was allowed to use the band sound system for that. My friends' parents and older siblings loved the music I was playing, and the 75 I invited ended up being over 300 people. I booked 5 gigs that night and that began my life as DJ. a year later, my older brother said that I was great at hoking up a pa system but he wanted his car to sound like that. I took the challenge head on. Stereoland in town helped me install his gear that I bought from a friend that was a bit older, from my church. Stereoland hired me right then, saying that even though I didn't really know a lot, I didn't have any bad habits to break, and they could train me to do things their way, The Right Way. I worked there until 1999 when I bought the store. I was also working in the install bay at best buy from 1996 to 1999 when I began taking Stereoland over. I did well there until the 9-11 terrorist attacks and sold the store and went into the Navy where I was a submarine mechanic basically. I was a machinist mate "aux" on subs. I go hurt in 2004 and was medically retired in 2006 and once I got my meds straight and got a nerve stimulator in my back I reopened as Freedom Sound & Light and here I am. I can get over 400 brands and am MECP (Mobile Electronics Certification Program), and NAME (National Academy of Mobile Electronics), and ABYC (American Boat And Yacht Certification) certified and numerous certifications in the Navy including Universal EPA refrigerant certified, hydraulics, pneumatics, and several military only certifications. I can also get numerous suspension and performance products to PIMP your ride! I am proud to be a locally owned and operated business serving the community. Again, audio, video, electronics and mechanical is my life, I am a 1 stop shop! I look forward to working with you!